Mga Post

Forgiven Forgives

  God has given us an excellent motivation to forgive and forgo bitterness which is this: because He has forgiven us in Christ (Ephesians 4:32).

October 2021 Coffee Night

  We invite college students and single adults to the Coffee Night tomorrow, September 7, at 8:00 PM. Sign up here to receive meeting details. 😊 We'll talk about how to deal with bitterness in light of God's Word.

October T180 Gathering

We oft-referenced Philippians 4:6-7 to encourage the anxious. But we can still do more to support them. May we be instruments of God in helping them remember what Paul said in verse 8 and exercise it. And we won't only tell them to pray but to also pray with and for them too.  By the way, high schoolers, join us at the T180 gathering this weekend as we will talk about holding on to Hope and coping with anxiety and stress. Register here . 😊

Back-to-back Meet Up this October

  Let's spend time together this October! 😊 ■ T180 (gathering for HS students) Sign up here and you shall receive meeting details. ■ Coffee Night (gathering for college students & single adults) Sign up here and you shall receive meeting details.

What is T180?

T180 (Transformed 180 degrees), noun It is a gathering of high school students over Zoom every first Saturday of the month (almost always) for encouragement and fellowship. Why T180? Because we believe that anyone who encounters Jesus Christ will be transformed from the inside out, that person will experience a 180-degree turn, away from old life towards Jesus. History Before the pandemic, we met at GCAF for fellowship over games and discipleship sessions (WIDER session).  Some of the groups also got to do sleepovers. However, we cannot do these things since we do not have the luxury of hosting in-person events. Thank God for technology that we can make up for the lost opportunity of meeting in person! Note T180 is open to all high school students. Sign up here if you want to receive Zoom meeting details.  Here is a group photo taken last July:

What is Coffee Night?

Coffee Night [ kaw-fee (kof-ee) nahyt ], noun It is a gathering of college students and single adults over Zoom every first Thursday of the month (almost always). History Since the onset of the pandemic, crowding in a coffee shop to spend time with friends for hours until closing time to catch up and discuss anything that concerns us has somehow become a thing of the past. However, we can always replicate such an experience. Thank God for technology! 😊 Note We host two separate sessions, one for the ladies and the men. How to Join? Proceed to this link to sign up and receive meeting details. So, see you tonight, 8:00 pm? 😉